What does a dog need to feel good?

He eats well, has shelter, a nice big garden, he's vaccinated.

What is he missing?

The aforementioned are primary needs, those that since the 60s have been defined as minimum and indispensable criteria for a "good life".

The above represent the most common response from ignorant people (literally) as to who THE DOG is.

This dog, in the picture, stays there at any time of the day or evening, glued to the door.
He only walks away to bark at other dogs who happily paw on the walk, at passers-by who graze the fence.

But his only purpose, his greatest expectation and obvious request is to belong to the family, to literally be part of it.

Dogs don't give a damn about a nice garden if they are alone all the time.
Dogs don't care about the nice insulated doghouse, they would gladly trade it for a shabby carpet to lie down next to us.
Dogs don't look at the brand of croquettes that we mechanically pour into the bowl every day, if they don't have someone next to them who talks to them, who cuddles them, who plays with them, who lives with them.

Really, from the heart, if you have to keep it like this…don't get a dog.

Article by Dr. MC Catalani